Should You Accept That Personal Injury Settlement?

If you are pursuing a personal injury case, there is a good chance that you could be offered a settlement. Often, this settlement is for less than the value you are pursuing in court. Many people accept this settlement immediately, happy to have some money to cover the bills.

But should you accept a personal injury settlement? When is it a better idea to take that case to court? Here's what you should think about first.

You May Choose to Negotiate

Even if you are considering a settlement, your lawyer may advise that you negotiate first. You can still take a settlement, even if it is not the first settlement offered to you. Your lawyer may throw another figure out to the other team and see if they bring forth another offer.

Don't Sign Anything

It is important that you know not to sign any sort of paperwork without first speaking with your personal injury lawyer. You could be accepting a settlement that is way too low, and your lawyer will have no ability to provide a counter-offer or to help you take your case to court.

Most Cases Don't Get to Court

In most cases, people do get settlements. They have strong cases, and the at-fault parties do not want to take the case to court when they know that the evidence shows they were reckless or negligent. Your lawyer may suggest that you accept a fair settlement if it means you can save yourself the stress of going to court.

Going to Court May Be the Best Option

You may find that the settlement offered is not a great solution. It might be way lower than the price you are asking for, not covering all your medical bills or potential income. In these cases, the responsible party is trying to avoid their obligation to cover the losses they have caused.

Your expenses caused by the accident and the resulting injuries could be much more serious than the settlement offer. A personal injury lawyer will bring evidence to court to show the value of your case to increase your chances of having these expenses covered.

Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

It is also important that you speak with a personal injury lawyer to determine if accepting a settlement is the right option. Your lawyer has experience in this area and can use their knowledge and understanding to provide you with effective counsel.

Contact a company like Siben & Siben LLP to learn more.

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What do general attorneys do? A complete list of their services would be really, really long. To put it simply, they offer their clients legal advice and representation. They might write or review a contract for something like sale of a business or real estate. If a client is accused of a minor crime, they may represent that client in court or work with the accuser to reach a settlement. Most general attorneys also write wills and estate mandates. This is a varied law profession, but that's a good thing. A variety of experience equips general attorneys to represent you well. Learn more right here on this website.



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