Don't Lose Your SSDI Benefits By Making Too Much Money

For those unable to work because of a medical disorder, the financial factor is ever-present. When you can't work, bills go unpaid. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) does provide some income to those who can prove that they can't work because of an impairment, the monthly benefit is not supposed to replace the previous job's salary. Some recipients run into problems when they apply as well as after they are approved when it comes to income limits. Read on and find out more about the way the SSA limits income.

Understanding Substantial Gainful Activity and Income

The SSA terms the income you earn or are provided once you apply as substantial gainful activity (SGA). This term is used to describe any money, other than the SSDI benefit, coming into the pockets of the applicant. What is not counted is any income earned by the recipient's spouse, inheritances, and property like vehicles and homes.

How Much SGA Can Be Earned?

The SGA limits can change every year and are based on several general economic factors like median income and more. For SSDI applicants, it's vital that you understand SGA and the limits because earning more than the SGA limit for the current year will get your application denied. In addition, recipients need to know and abide by ongoing limits each year. You are allowed to earn money but there is a limit. For the current year 2020, the limit is $1260 with $2110 for the blind.

An Additional SGA Precaution

It's not only about the amount you earn, however, when it comes to SGA. The SSA also looks at what you are doing to earn that income and you might run into trouble even if you earn less than the allowed amount. When applicants are approved for benefits, it's because they are unable to perform certain types of tasks at their jobs. By applying for benefits, you are stating that you cannot perform those tasks. If your new job has you performing the same or very similar tasks, you could lose your benefits. For example, if you hurt your back and can no longer drive a forklift, you cannot do other work to earn income that would involve the back.

If you are having trouble getting your benefits approved, no matter what the problem is, speak to a Social Security lawyer, such as Attorney John B. Martin Law Offices about your case and representation at your appeal hearing. You are also entitled to an appeal if you lose your benefits for any reason. Let a Social Security lawyer get things straightened out for you.

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