Why Did You Lose Your SSDI Claim?

If you recently filed for Social Security Disability benefits and were denied, count yourself in good company. Tens of thousands of people apply and are initially denied when seeking disability. If this happens to you, you should contact an attorney right away to file an appeal. There are a variety of reasons why your claim may have been denied. The following are some examples:

You Did Not Have Sufficient Evidence

Your claim may have been denied because you did not provide adequate medical evidence to support your need for disability benefits. You have to show medical records to provide that your disability has had an impact on your ability to work at a job. Although you can show medical records for an injury, the records have to indicate that you cannot work. For example, if you have a debilitating back injury but your doctor did not indicate your inability to work at your job, your claim may be denied due to a lack of documentation. It is up to you to ask your doctor to indicate whether or not he or she believes you are able to work in your current physical condition.

In addition, you should show any physician's notes to your employer indicating you had to be out of work due to your condition. If you have proof that your work schedule had to be modified at any point due to your medical condition, you can add this to your packet of evidence as well.

You Lacked Cooperation During the Process

If at any point during the application process you did not cooperate with the SSA, you likely will be denied. You have to attend any scheduled meetings or exams and provide all the documentation requested of you. If you choose not to do so, the examiner will deny your claim.

You Did Not Comply with Medical Treatment

If you chose not to follow the treatment plan outlined by your doctor for any reason, chances are your disability claim will be denied. The SSA may not be able to decide if your medical condition actually prevents you from working. You have to follow any prescribed medical treatment for the SSA to get an accurate determination of your ability to work.

If any of these reasons do not apply to you, you should schedule a consultation with an attorney to go over your application to ensure you did not make any errors. He or she will help you appeal your claim so that you will have another chance to receive disability benefits. If you have any questions, meet with a representative from a Social Security law firm like Gordon & Pont.

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